Article 3j Transparency of proxy advisors
1. Member States shall ensure that proxy advisors publicly disclose reference to a code of conduct which they apply and report on the application of that code of conduct.
Where proxy advisors do not apply a code of conduct, they shall provide a clear and reasoned explanation why this is the case. Where proxy advisors apply a code of conduct but depart from any of its recommendations, they shall declare from which parts they depart, provide explanations for doing so and indicate, where appropriate, any alternative measures adopted.
Information referred to in this paragraph shall be made publicly available, free of charge, on the websites of proxy advisors and shall be updated on an annual basis.
2. Member States shall ensure that, in order to adequately inform their clients about the accuracy and reliability of their activities, proxy advisors publicly disclose on an annual basis at least all of the following information in relation to the preparation of their research, advice and voting recommendations:
(a) the essential features of the methodologies and models they apply;
(b) the main information sources they use;
(c) the procedures put in place to ensure quality of the research, advice and voting recommendations and qualifications of the staff involved;
(d) whether and, if so, how they take national market, legal, regulatory and company-specific conditions into account;