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Article 185 Stay of legal proceedings
(1) Where -
(a) the Bank has made a mandatory reduction instrument or exercised a stabilisation power in relation to any bank, building society, investment firm or banking group company ("institution under resolution"),
(b) the institution under resolution is a party to legal proceedings before any court in the United Kingdom, and
(c) the Bank reasonably considers that a stay of those proceedings is necessary for an effective application of the resolution tools or the stabilisation powers,
the Bank may apply to that court for a stay of the proceedings.
(2) In this article -
"bank" has the meaning given by section 2 of the Banking Act 2009 [Section 2 was amended by the Financial Services Act 2012, sections 101(1) and (3) and 102(1) and (3) and Schedule 17, paragraph 3, and by S.I. 2011/2832.];