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Schedule 2A Additional information which may be required for the purposes of a resolution plan or group resolution plan
1. In this Schedule, "entity" means in relation to the drawing up of -
(a) a resolution plan for an institution, the institution;
(b) a group resolution plan for a relevant group, the group entities.
2. The additional information referred to in article 8(3)(a) is as follows -
(a) a detailed description of the entity's organisational structure including a list of all legal persons contained in this structure;
(b) identification of the direct holders and the percentage of voting and non-voting rights of each legal person;
(c) the location, jurisdiction of incorporation, licensing and senior management of each legal person;
(d) a mapping of the entity's critical operations and core business lines including material asset holdings and liabilities relating to such operations and business lines, by reference to legal persons;
(e) a detailed description of the components of the entity's liabilities, separating, as a minimum by types and amounts of short-term and long-term debt, secured, unsecured and subordinated liabilities;