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Part 2 Regulatory reform (ss. 15-38)

Comparing proposed amendment...
Streamlined company registration (ss. 15-16)
In force
15. Target for streamlined company registration
In force
16. Streamlined company registration: duty to report on progress
Review of business appeals procedures (ss. 17-19)
In force
17. Review of regulators' complaints and appeals procedures
In force
18. Power to specify regulatory functions
In force
19. Guidance by the Secretary of State
Report on investigations under financial regulators' complaints scheme (s. 20)
In force
20. Independent Complaints Commissioner: reporting duty
Business impact target (ss. 21-27)
21. Duty on Secretary of State to publish business impact target etc
22. Sections 21 and 23 to 25: "qualifying regulatory provisions" etc
23. Duty on Secretary of State to publish reports
24. Additional matters to be included in reports
24A. Duty on relevant regulators to assess economic impact etc
25. Appointment of body to verify assessments and lists in reports
26. Amending the business impact target etc
27. Sections 21 to 25 etc: interpretation
Secondary legislation: duty to review (ss. 28-32)
In force
28. Duty to review regulatory provisions in secondary legislation
In force
29. Section 28(1)(b): interpretation
In force
30. Section 28(2)(a): "provision for review"
In force
31. Section 28(2)(b): appropriateness of making provision for review
In force
32. Sections 28 to 31 etc: supplementary
Definitions of small and micro business (ss. 33-34)
Partly in force
33. Definitions of small and micro business
In force
34. Small and micro business regulations: further provision
Home businesses (ss. 35-36)
In force
35. Exclusion of home businesses from Part 2 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
In force
36. Section 35: supplementary and consequential provision
CMA recommendations (s. 37)
In force
37. CMA to publish recommendations on proposals for Westminster legislation
Liability of bodies concerned with accounting standards (s. 38)
In force
38. Exemption from liability for bodies concerned with accounting standards etc