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Version date: 18 August 2006 - onwards
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Article 50 Conduct of the business of organs

1. Unless otherwise provided by this Regulation or the statutes, the internal rules relating to quorums and decisiontaking in SCE organs shall be as follows:

(a) quorum: at least half of the members with voting rights must be present or represented;

(b) decision-taking: a majority of the members with voting rights present or represented.

Members who are absent may take part in decisions by authorising another member of the organ or the alternate members who were appointed at the same time to represent them.

2. Where there is no relevant provision in the statutes, the chairman of each organ shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie. There shall be no provision to the contrary in the statutes, however, where half of the supervisory organ consists of employees' representatives.

3. Where employee participation is provided for in accordance with Directive 2003/72/EC, a Member State may provide that the supervisory organ's quorum and decision-making shall, by way of derogation from the

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