Article 3 Basis for minimum reserves
1. The basis for minimum reserves which the ECB may require institutions to hold according to Article 19.1 of the Statute shall include, subject to the provisions specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article:
(i) liabilities of the institution resulting from the acceptance of funds, together with
(ii) liabilities resulting from off-balance-sheet items, but excluding
(iii) fully or partly liabilities which are owed to any other institution according to modalities which shall be specified by the ECB, and
(iv) liabilities which are owed to the ECB or to a national central bank.
2. For liabilities in the form of negotiable debt instruments, the ECB may specify, as an alternative to the provision in paragraph 1(iii), that liabilities which are owed by one institution to another shall be fully or partly deducted from the basis for minimum reserves of the institution to which they are owed.
3. The ECB may, on a non-discriminatory basis, allow the deduction of specific types of assets from categories of liabilities forming part of the basis for minimum reserves.