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Version date: 24 November 1962 - onwards
    Version 1 of 1    

Section X. Mischievous to purchasers that judgments signed in vacation should relate to first day of the term, &c.

And whereas it hath been found mischievous, that judgments in the King's courts at Dublin do many times relate to the first day of the term whereof they are entred, or to the day of the return of the original, or fileing the bail, and bind the defendants lands from that time, although in truth they were acknowledged, or suffered, or signed in the vacation-time after the said term, whereby many times purchasers find themselves aggrieved: be it enacted therefore by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the said feast-day of the nativity of St. John the Baptist, which shall be in the said year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred ninety-six, any judge or officer in his Majesty's courts at Dublin, that shall sign any judgment, shall at the signing of the same, without fee for so doing of the same, set down the day of the month and year of his so doing, upon the paper, book, docket, or record, which he shall sign; which day of the month and year shall be also entered upon the mar

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