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Part 5 The information commissioner (ss. 114-141)

Comparing proposed amendment...
The Commissioner (s. 114)
In force
114. The Information Commissioner
General functions (ss. 115-117)
In force
115. General functions under the UK GDPR and safeguards
In force
116. Other general functions
In force
117. Competence in relation to courts etc
International role (ss. 118-120)
In force
118. Co-operation between parties to the Data Protection Convention
In force
119. Inspection of personal data in accordance with international obligations
In force
119A. Standard clauses for transfers to third countries etc
In force
120. Further international role
Codes of practice (ss. 121-128)
In force
121. Data-sharing code
In force
122. Direct marketing code
In force
123. Age-appropriate design code
In force
124. Data protection and journalism code
In force
125. Approval of codes prepared under sections 121 to 124
In force
126. Publication and review of codes issued under section 125(4)
In force
127. Effect of codes issued under section 125(4)
In force
128. Other codes of practice
Consensual audits (s. 129)
In force
129. Consensual audits
Records of national security certificates (s. 130)
In force
130. Records of national security certificates
Information provided to the Commissioner (ss. 131-133)
In force
131. Disclosure of information to the Commissioner
In force
132. Confidentiality of information
In force
133. Guidance about privileged communications
Fees (ss. 134-136)
In force
134. Fees for services
In force
135. Manifestly unfounded or excessive requests by data subjects etc
In force
136. Guidance about fees
Charges (ss. 137-138)
In force
137. Charges payable to the Commissioner by controllers
In force
138. Regulations under section 137: supplementary
Reports etc (ss. 139-141)
In force
139. Reporting to Parliament
In force
140. Publication by the Commissioner
In force
141. Notices from the Commissioner