(1) In the case of an adverse assessment, the Bank may impose on the assessee concerned the following sanctions:
(a) an order requiring the person responsible for the prescribed contravention to cease the conduct and to desist from a repetition of that conduct;
(b) a public statement which indicates the identity of the person responsible and the nature of the prescribed contravention in accordance with Article 37 of the Securitisation Regulation;
(c) a temporary ban preventing any member of the originator's, sponsor's or SSPE's management body, or any natural person who is held responsible for such a prescribed contravention, from exercising management functions in such undertakings;
(d) where the prescribed contravention is a contravention referred to in point (e) or (f), as the case may be, of the first subparagraph of Article 32.1 of the Securitisation Regulation, a temporary ban preventing the originator and sponsor from notifying under Article 27.1 of the Securitisation Regulation