Article 5 Assessment team
1. The assessment team shall perform an assessment and draft a response to a request for consultation.
2. The composition of the assessment team shall be the same as the assessment team created under Decision ESRB/2015/4 as appointed by the General Board with the following differences:
a) the representative of the European Banking Authority (EBA) shall be replaced by a representative of EIOPA who will be appointed by the General Board; and
b) each authority represented in the assessment team may indicate one insurance expert that will act as an observer in the assessment team.
3. To avoid conflicts of interest in the preparation of a response to a request for consultation, the status of assessment team members and observers shall temporarily cease, without those members being replaced, for representatives of a supervisory authority which is a requesting authority.
4. The assessment team shall strive to reach consensus among its members, but where circumstances so require, the assessment team may provide a majority and a minority view assessment with the draft response it submits to the General Board.