Annex - Information to be provided by a requesting authority
I. Information relating to the requesting authority
- Name of the Supervisory Authority
- Member State
- Signatory of the request (Name, position, contact details)
- Contact person (Name, position, contact details)
II. Precise content of the request – scope of the request of consultation
III. Information related to each undertaking within the scope of the request
III.1. Basic information
For each of the affected undertakings (definitions according to the relevant Solvency II template S01.02.01 or S01.02.04, as applicable):
- Undertaking name;
- Undertaking identification code;
- Type of undertaking;
- Country of authorisation;
- Method of Calculation of the (Group) solvency capital requirements (SCR);
- Use of undertaking specific parameters;
- Ring-fenced funds;
- Matching adjustment;