Article 19 Systems and controls requirements
1. AVAs shall be authorised initially, and monitored subsequently, by an independent control unit.
2. Institutions shall have effective controls related to the governance of all fair-valued positions, and adequate resources to implement those controls and ensure robust valuation processes even during a stressed period. These shall include all of the following:
(a) at least an annual review of valuation model performance;
(b) management sign-off on all significant changes to valuation policies;
(c) a clear statement of the institution's risk appetite for exposure to positions subject to valuation uncertainty which is monitored at an aggregate institution-wide level;
(d) independence in the valuation process between risk taking and control units;
(e) a comprehensive internal audit process related to valuation processes and controls.
3. Institutions shall ensure there are effective and consistently applied controls related to the valuation process for fair-valued positions. These controls shall be subject to regular internal audit review. The controls shall include all of the following:
(a) a precisely defined institution-wide product inventory, ensuring that every valuation position is uniquely mapped to a product definition;