Table of Contents
Commission Regulation (EU) No 583/2010 of 1 July 2010 implementing Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards key investor information and conditions to be met when providing key investor information or the prospectus in a durable medium other than paper or by means of a website (Assimilated Law)RecitalsChapter I Subject matter and general principles (arts. 1-3)Article 1 Subject matterArticle 1A DefinitionsArticle 2 General principlesArticle 3 Principles regarding the key investor information documentChapter II Form and presentation of key investor information (arts. 4-6)Section 1 Title of document, order of contents and headings of sections (art. 4)Article 4 Title and content of documentSection 2 Language, length and presentation (arts. 5-6)Article 5 Presentation and languageArticle 6 LengthChapter III Content of sections of the key investor information document (arts. 7-24)Section 1 Objectives and investment policy (art. 7)Article 7 Specific contents of the descriptionSection 2 Risk and reward profile (arts. 8-9)Article 8 Explanation of potential risks and rewards, including the use of an indicatorArticle 9 Principles governing the identification, explanation and presentation of risksSection 3 Charges (arts. 10-14)Article 10 Presentation of chargesArticle 11 Explanation of charges and a statement about the importance of chargesArticle 12 Additional requirementsArticle 13 Specific casesArticle 14 Cross-referencingSection 4 Past performance (arts. 15-19)Article 15 Presentation of past performanceArticle 16 Past performance calculation methodologyArticle 17 Impact and treatment of material changesArticle 18 Use of a benchmark alongside the past performanceArticle 19 Use of 'simulated' data for past performanceSection 5 Practical information and cross-references (arts. 20-21)Article 20 Content of 'practical information' sectionArticle 21 Use of cross-references to other sources of informationSection 6 Review and revision of the key investor information document (arts. 22-24)Article 22 Review of key investor informationArticle 23 Publication of the revised versionArticle 24 Material changes to the charging structureChapter IV Particular UCITS structures (arts. 25-37)Section 1 Investment compartments (art. 25)Article 25 Investment compartmentsSection 2 Share classes (arts. 26-27)Article 26 Key investor information document for share classesArticle 27 Practical information sectionSection 3 Fund of funds (arts. 28-30)Article 28 Objectives and investment policy sectionArticle 29 Risk and reward profileArticle 30 Charges sectionSection 4 Feeder UCITS (arts. 31-35)Article 31 Objectives and investment policy sectionArticle 32 Risk and reward profile sectionArticle 33 Charges sectionArticle 34 Practical information sectionArticle 35 Past performanceSection 5 Structured UCITS (arts. 36-37)Article 36 Performance scenariosArticle 37 LengthChapter V Durable medium (art. 38)Article 38 Conditions applying to the provision of a key investor information document or a prospectus in a durable medium other than paper or by means of a websiteChapter VI Final provisions (art. 39)Article 39 Entry into forceAnnex I Requirements related to the presentation of the synthetic indicatorAnnex II Presentation of chargesAnnex III Presentation of the past performance informationDone at
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