Annex V Securities note for the UK Growth prospectus
I. Responsibility for the securities note
The purpose is to identify the issuer and its representatives and other individuals involved in the company's offer or admission to trading; these are the persons responsible for drawing up the prospectus.
II. Statement of capitalisation and indebtedness (only for equity securities issued by companies with market capitalisation above EUR 200 000 000) and working capital statement (only for equity securities).
The purpose is to provide information on the issuer's capitalisation and indebtedness and information as to whether the working capital is sufficient to meet the issuer's present requirements or, if not, how the issuer proposes to provide the additional working capital needed.
III. Terms and conditions of the securities
The purpose is to provide essential information regarding the terms and conditions of the securities and a description of any rights attached to the securities. Furthermore, the risk factors specific to the securities must be included.
IV. Details of the offer and expected timetable