Article 13 Verification plan
1. The verifier shall draft a verification plan commensurate with the information obtained and the risks identified during the strategic analysis and the risk analysis, and including at least:
(a) a verification programme describing the nature and scope of the verification activities as well as the time and manner in which these activities are to be carried out;
(b) a test plan setting out the scope and methods of testing the control activities as well as the procedures for control activities;
(c) a data sampling plan setting out the scope and methods of data sampling related to data points underlying the aggregated emissions in the operator or aircraft operator's emission report or the aggregated tonne-kilometre data in the aircraft operator's tonne-kilometre report.
2. The verifier shall set up the test plan referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 in a manner that allows it to determine the extent to which the relevant control activities may be relied on for the purposes of assessing compliance with the requirements mentioned in Article 7(4)(b) or (d).