Article 38 Competence requirements for EU ETS auditors and EU ETS lead auditors
1. An EU ETS auditor shall have the competence to perform the verification. To this end, the EU ETS auditor shall have at least:
(a) knowledge of Directive 2003/87/EC, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2066, this Regulation, relevant standards, and other relevant legislation, applicable guidelines, as well as relevant guidelines and legislation issued by the competent authority or Secretary of State;
(b) knowledge and experience of data and information auditing, including:
(i) data and information auditing methodologies, including the application of the materiality level and assessing the materiality of misstatements;
(ii) analysing inherent risks and control risks;
(iii) sampling techniques in relation to data sampling and checking the control activities;
(iv) assessing data and information systems, IT systems, data flow activities, control activities, control systems and procedures for control activities.