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34. Amendment of section 97 (computational rules and allowable deductions) of Principal Act.
Section 97 (as amended by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 1998) of the Principal Act is amended -
(a) in subsection (2B) -
(i) by the substitution in paragraph (d) for "1997, or" of "1997,",
(ii) by the substitution in paragraph (e) for "during the year." of "during the year, or", and
(iii) by the insertion of the following after paragraph (e):
"(f) in the purchase, improvement or repair of a premises which complies with the conditions of subsection (2F).",
(b) by the insertion of the following after subsection (2E):
(a) The conditions of this subsection are -
(i) the premises was converted into multiple residential units prior to 1 October 1964,
(ii) the premises was acquired by the chargeable person under a contract which was evidenced in writing on or after 5 January 2001,