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208. Rent-a-room, etc.
(1) The Principal Act is amended -
(a) in section 91 -
(i) by the substitution in subparagraph (ii) of subsection (2)(b) of the following:
"no person -
(I) other than a person who, while in such occupation, derives rent or payment in the nature of rent in consideration for the provision, on or after 6 April 2001, of furnished residential accommodation in part of the dwellinghouse or apartment concerned, or
(II) other than by virtue of a title prior to that of the purchaser,
will derive any rent or payment in the nature of rent for the use of that dwellinghouse or apartment, or of any part of it, during that period, and",
for "no person, other than by virtue of a title prior to that of the purchaser, will derive any rent or payment in the nature of rent for the use of that dwellinghouse or apartment, or of any part of it, during that period, and", and
(ii) by the substitution in subsection (2)(c) of "some person, other than a person referred to in clause (I) or (II) of subsection (2)(b)(ii)" for "some person, other than by virtue of a title prior to that of the purchaser",
(b) in section 92 -