2501A/1 Each Euronext Market Undertaking shall appoint one or more Clearing Organization(s).
2501A/2 [Reserved]
2501A/3 Pursuant to Rule 2501A/1, Transactions in Securities shall be cleared by Euronext Clearing, except where either (i) the Euronext Market Undertaking has appointed a different Clearing Organisation to clear a particular category of Securities or (ii) the Euronext Market Undertaking has provided arrangements whereby Members can indicate their preferred Clearing Organisation. The Clearing Organisation(s) applicable to each category of Securities shall be specified by the Euronext Market Undertaking and published in a Notice.
Transactions in Euronext Derivatives shall be cleared by Euronext Clearing.
2501B/1 Any Member wishing to trade on the Euronext Markets other than as a customer of another Member must be party to a Clearing Agreement in respect of those Financial Instruments which it is authorised to trade but which it is not authori