Every company of more than six persons established on the sixth day of May one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, for the purpose of carrying on the trade or business of bankers within the distance of sixty-five miles from London, and not within the provisions of the Act passed in the session of the seventh and eighth years of Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and thirteen, intituled "An Act to regulate Joint Stock Banks in England," shall have the same powers and privileges of suing and being sued in the name of any one of the public officers of such co-partnership as the nominal plaintiff, petitioner, or defendant on behalf of such co-partnership; and all judgments, decrees, and orders made and obtained in any such suit may be enforced in like manner as is provided with respect to such companies carrying on the said trade or business at any place in England exceeding the distance of sixty-five miles from London under the provisions of the Country Bankers Act, 1826, provide
Version status: Repealed | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 April 1964 - onwards
Sixth Schedule, Part II An Act to regulate Joint Stock Banks in England (7 & 8 Vict. c. 113), s. 47
Repealed from 1 April 1964