Embedded derivatives (paras. BC188-BC194)
Superseded by IFRS 17: Insurance Contracts, para. C34, May 2017, for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023. Earlier application is permitted, see App. C.
BC188 Some suggested that the Board should exempt insurers from the requirement to separate embedded derivatives contained in a host insurance contract and measure them at fair value under IAS 39. They argued that:
(a) separating these derivatives would require extensive and costly systems changes that might not be needed for phase II.
(b) some of these derivatives are intertwined with the host insurance contract in a way that would make separate measurement arbitrary and perhaps misleading, because the fair value of the whole contract might differ from the sum of the fair values of its components.
BC189 Some suggested that the inclusion of embedded options and guarantees in the cash flows used for a liability adequacy test could permit the Board to exempt some embedded derivatives from fair value measurement under IAS 39. Most proponents of this exemption implied that including only the intrinsic value of these items (ie without their time value) would suffice. However, because excluding the time value of these items could make an entity’s financial statements much less relevant and reliable, the Board did not create such an exemption.