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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards


Superseded by IFRS 17: Insurance Contracts, para. C34, May 2017, for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023. Earlier application is permitted, see App. C.

BC10 Some argued that the IFRS should deal with all aspects of financial reporting by insurers, to ensure that the financial reporting for insurers is internally consistent. They noted that regulatory requirements, and some national accounting requirements, often cover all aspects of an insurer’s business. However, for the following reasons, the IFRS deals with insurance contracts of all entities and does not address other aspects of accounting by insurers:

(a) It would be difficult, and perhaps impossible, to create a robust definition of an insurer that could be applied consistently from country to country. Among other things, an increasing number of entities have major activities in both insurance and other areas.

(b) It would be undesirable for an insurer to account for a transaction in one way and for a non‑insurer to account in a different way for the same transaction.