Article 37 Enforcement priorities
1. By 17 January 2020 and every 2 years thereafter, Member States shall exchange information on their enforcement priorities for the application of this Regulation with one another and with the Commission.
Such information shall include:
(a) information concerning market trends that might affect consumers' interests in the Member State concerned and in other Member States;
(b) an overview of actions carried out under this Regulation in the last 2 years, and in particular, investigation and enforcement measures related to the widespread infringements;
(c) statistics exchanged by means of alerts referred to in Article 26;
(d) the tentative priority areas, for the next 2 years, for the enforcement of the Union laws that protect consumers' interests in the Member State concerned; and
(e) the proposed priority areas, for the next 2 years, for the enforcement of the Union laws that protect consumers' interests at the Union level.
2. Without prejudice to Article 33, every 2 years, the Commission shall produce an overview of the information referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 and shall make it publicly available. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament thereof.