Assessment of deferred tax assets (paras. BC27-BC28)
BC27 The Board inserted paragraph 51E to confirm that the requirements in paragraphs 24-33 (deductible temporary differences) and paragraphs 34-36 (unused tax losses and unused tax credits) relating to assessment of deferred tax assets continue to apply even when the presumption of recovery through sale arises. The Board did not think that additional guidance would be necessary.
Disclosure requirement
BC28 The Board proposed in the exposure draft disclosure of the fact of, and reasons for, the rebuttal of the presumption of recovery through sale if the entity has rebutted the presumption. However, many respondents said that this disclosure would add little or no value to the financial statements. IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements already requires disclosures regarding material judgements. [In April 2024 the IASB issued IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements and carried over the definition of ‘material’ from IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements to IFRS 18.] Thus, there is no need to disclose a particular judgement on specific types of assets. The Board was convinced by those arguments and did not proceed with the proposed disclosure requirement.