Recovering an asset for more than its carrying amount (paras. BC46-BC54)
BC46 The Board noted that paragraph 29 of IAS 12 identifies taxable profit in future periods as one source of taxable profits against which an entity can utilise deductible temporary differences. Future taxable profit has to be probable to justify the recognition of deferred tax assets.
BC47 The guidance in paragraph 29 of IAS 12 does not refer to the carrying amount of assets within the context of estimating probable future taxable profit. Some thought, however, that the carrying amount of an asset to which a temporary difference is related limits the estimate of future taxable profit. They argued that accounting for deferred taxes should be based on consistent assumptions, which implies that an entity cannot assume that, for one and the same asset, the entity will recover it:
(a) for its carrying amount when determining deductible temporary differences and taxable temporary differences; as well as
(b) for more than its carrying amount when estimating probable future taxable profit against which deductible temporary differences are assessed for utilisation.
BC48 Consequently, proponents of this view thought that an entity cannot assume that it will collect the entire principal of CU1,000 in the example illustrating paragraph 26(d) of IAS 12 when determining probable future taxable profit. Instead, they thought that an entity must assume that it will collect only the carrying amount of the asset.