Subsequent accounting for IPR&D projects acquired in a business combination and recognised as intangible assets (paras. BC83-BC84)
BC83 The Board observed that the previous version of IAS 38 required all recognised intangible assets to be accounted for after initial recognition at:
(a) cost less any accumulated amortisation and any accumulated impairment losses; or
(b) revalued amount, being the asset’s fair value, determined by reference to an active market, [IFRS 13, issued in May 2011, defines an active market.] at the date of revaluation less any subsequent accumulated amortisation and any subsequent accumulated impairment losses.
Such assets included: IPR&D projects acquired in a business combination that satisfied the criteria for recognition separately from goodwill; separately acquired IPR&D projects that satisfied the criteria for recognition as an intangible asset; and recognised internally developed intangible assets arising from development or the development phase of an internal project.
BC84 The Board could see no conceptual justification for changing the approach in the previous version of IAS 38 of applying the same requirements to the subsequent accounting for all recognised intangible assets. Therefore, the Board decided that IPR&D projects acquired in a business combination that satisfy the criteria for recognition as an asset separately from goodwill should be accounted for after initial recognition in accordance with the requirements applying to the subsequent accounting for other recognised intangible assets.