1. A crowdfunding service provider shall annually and on a confidential basis provide a list of projects funded through its crowdfunding platform to the competent authority that granted authorisation, specifying for each project:
(a) the project owner and the amount raised;
(b) the instrument issued, as defined in points (b), (m) and (n) of Article 2(1);
(c) aggregated information about the investors and invested amount broken down by fiscal residency of the investors, distinguishing between sophisticated and non-sophisticated investors.
2. Competent authorities shall provide the information referred to in paragraph 1 to ESMA in anonymised format within one month of the date of receipt of that information. ESMA shall develop and publish aggregated annual statistics relating to the crowdfunding market in the Union on its website.
3. ESMA shall develop draft implementing technical standards to establish data standards and formats, templates and procedures for the information to be report