1. The competent authorities and ESMA shall cooperate closely with each other for the purposes of this Regulation and in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010. They shall exchange information in order to carry out their duties under this Chapter.
2. In the case of an on-site inspection or investigation with cross-border effect, ESMA shall, where requested to do so by one of the competent authorities, coordinate the inspection or investigation.
3. The competent authorities shall without delay provide ESMA with all information necessary to carry out its duties, in accordance with Article 35 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.
4. In order to ensure uniform conditions of application of this Article, ESMA shall develop draft implementing technical standards to establish standard forms, templates and procedures for the cooperation and exchange of information between competent authorities and ESMA.
ESMA shall submit those draft implementing technical standards to the Commission by 10 May