Article 1
Directive 2009/103/EC is amended as follows:
(1) Article 1 is amended as follows:
(a) point 1 is replaced by the following:
'1. "vehicle" means:
(a) any motor vehicle propelled exclusively by mechanical power on land but not running on rails with:
(i) a maximum design speed of more than 25 km/h; or
(ii) a maximum net weight of more than 25 kg and a maximum design speed of more than 14 km/h;
(b) any trailer to be used with a vehicle referred to in point (a), whether coupled or uncoupled.
Without prejudice to points (a) and (b), wheelchair vehicles exclusively intended for use by persons with physical disabilities are not considered to be vehicles referred to in this Directive;';
(b) the following point is inserted:
'1a. "use of a vehicle" means any use of a vehicle that is consistent with the vehicle's function as a means of transport at the time of the accident, irrespective of the vehicle's characteristics and irrespective of the terrain on which the motor vehicle is used and of whether it is stationary or in motion;';