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Version date: 20 December 2021 - onwards

Annex I Corresponding situations

Competent authorities may come across weaknesses in the following situations:

PART 1: AML/CFT authorities

When carrying out their on-site and off-site supervisory activities in relation to:

1. Customer due diligence measures, including customer ML/TF risk assessments, reliance on third parties and transaction monitoring;

2. Suspicious transaction reporting;

3. Record-keeping;

4. Internal AML/CFT systems and controls;

5. Risk management system, including business-wide ML/TF risk assessments;

6. Group-wide policies and procedures including policies for sharing information within the group.

PART 2: Prudential authorities

1. During the authorisation process and the process for the assessement of acquisition of qualifying holdings:

(a) Business strategy, business model analysis and reflection on other risk areas, including liquidity where applicable;

(b) Fitness and propriety assessment of the members of the management body and key function holders, where performed;

(c) Notification to esta

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