Regulation 43 Publication
(1) The auction platform must publish all legislation, guidance, instructions, forms, documents, announcements, and any other non-confidential information pertinent to the auctions on the auction platform, including -
(a) the auction calendar;
(b) the list of persons admitted to bid in the auctions;
(c) any decision, including any decision pursuant to regulation 40, to impose a maximum bid-size; and
(d) any other remedial measures necessary to mitigate an actual or potential discernible risk of money-laundering, terrorist financing, other criminal activity or market abuse on that auction platform,
on a dedicated up-to-date auctioning website maintained by that auction platform.
(2) Information which is no longer relevant must be archived, and the archives must be accessible through the same auctioning website.
(3) A list of the names, addresses, telephone numbers, electronic mail addresses and websites of all persons admitted to bid on behalf of others in auctions conducted by any appointed auction platform must be published on the website maintained by the auction platform concerned.