Regulation 2 Definitions
(1) In these Regulations -
"the 2013 Regulations (GB)" means the Electricity and Gas (Market Integrity and Transparency) (Enforcement etc.) Regulations 2013 [S.I. 2013/1389.];
"the 2013 Regulations (NI)" means the Electricity and Gas (Market Integrity and Transparency) (Enforcement etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 [S.I. (NI) 2013/208.];
"the Authority" means - (a) in respect of England, Wales , Scotland and the UK offshore marine area, GEMA, (b) in respect of Northern Ireland, the NIAUR;
"benefit" means direct personal gain or the direct avoidance of personal loss;
"England" includes the territorial sea adjacent to England;
"GEMA" means the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority established under section 1(1) of the Utilities Act 2000 [2000 c. 27.];