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Version date: 2 May 2023 - onwards
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Article 32 Limitation periods for the imposition of penalties

1. The powers conferred on the Commission by Articles 30 and 31 shall be subject to a 5 year limitation period.

2. Time shall begin to run on the day on which the infringement is committed. However, in the case of continuing or repeated infringements, time shall begin to run on the day on which the infringement ceases.

3. Any action taken by the Commission for the purpose of a market investigation or proceedings in respect of an infringement shall interrupt the limitation period for the imposition of fines or periodic penalty payments. The limitation period shall be interrupted with effect from the date on which the action is notified to at least one undertaking or association of undertakings which has participated in the infringement. Actions which interrupt the running of the period shall include in particular the following:

(a) requests for information by the Commission;

(b) written authorisations to conduct inspections issued to its officials by the Commission;

(c) the opening of a

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