1. In the case of mixed contracts which have as their subject- matter elements of a concession covered by this Directive and procurement or other elements covered by Article 346 TFEU or Directive 2009/81/EC this Article shall apply.
In the case of contracts intended to cover several activities, one of them being subject either to Annex II of this Directive or to Directive 2014/25/EU, and another being covered by Article 346 TFEU or Directive 2009/81/EC, the applicable provisions shall be established in accordance with, Article 23 of this Directive and Article 26 of 2014/25/EU, respectively.
2. Where the different parts of a given contract are objec tively separable, contracting authorities or contracting entities may choose to award separate contracts for the separate parts or to award a single contract.
Where contracting authorities or contracting entities choose to award separate contracts for separate parts, the decision of the legal regime applicable to any one of such separate c