Annex V Information to be included in concession notice referred to in article 31
1. Name, identification number (where provided for in national legislation), address, including NUTS code, telephone, fax number, e-mail and internet address of the contracting authority or entity and, where different, of the service from which additional information may be obtained.
2. Type of contracting authority or entity and main activity exercised.
3. If the applications are to contain tenders, e-mail or internet address at which the concession documents will be available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge. Where unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, is not available in the cases referred to in Article 34(2) an indication of how the procurement documents can be accessed.
4. Description of the concession: nature and extent of works, nature and extent of services, order of magnitude or indicative value and, where possible, duration of the contract. Where the concession is divided into lots, this information shall be provided for each lot. Where appropriate, description of any options.
5. CPV codes. Where the concession is divided into lots, this information shall be provided for each lot.
6. NUTS code for the main location of works in case of works concessions or NUTS code for the main place of performance service concessions; where the concession is divided into lots, this information shall be provided for each lot.
7. Conditions for participation, including: