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Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 (No. 18)
Introductory Text
Acts Referred to
Part 1 Preliminary and General (s. 1)
1. Short title, collective citation and commencement
Part 2 Amendment of Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 (ss. 2-10)
2. Definition (Part 2)
3. Amendment of section 2 of Act of 1956
4. Amendment of section 6B of Act of 1956
5. Amendment of section 7 of Act of 1956
6. Amendment of section 15 of Act of 1956
7. Amendment of section 15A of Act of 1956
8. Naturalisation of minors born in State and other matters
9. Amendment of section 16A of Act of 1956
10. Amendment of section 28 of Act of 1956
Part 3 Amendment of Civil Liability Act 1961 (ss. 11-16)
11. Definition (Part 3)
12. Amendment of section 51H of Act of 1961
13. Amendment of section 51I of Act of 1961
14. Amendment of section 51J of Act of 1961
15. Amendment of section 51K of Act of 1961
16. Indexation of periodic payments
Part 4 Amendment of Juries Act 1976 (ss. 17-29)
17. Definition (Part 4)
18. Amendment of section 2 of Act of 1976
19. Designated court office
20. Amendment of section 9 of Act of 1976
21. Amendment of section 10 of Act of 1976
22. Amendment of section 11 of Act of 1976
23. Amendment of section 12 of Act of 1976
24. Amendment of section 13 of Act of 1976
25. Amendment of section 14 of Act of 1976
26. Amendment of section 16 of Act of 1976
27. Amendment of section 22 of Act of 1976
28. Repeal of section 27 of Act of 1976
29. Amendment of section 35 of Act of 1976
Part 5 Amendment of Bankruptcy Act 1988 (ss. 30-38)
30. Definition (Part 5)
31. Amendment of section 3 of Act of 1988
32. Amendment of section 11 of Act of 1988
33. Amendment of section 17 of Act of 1988
34. Amendment of section 56 of Act of 1988
35. Statement of affairs
36. Provision of information to Official Assignee
37. Amendment of section 82 of Act of 1988
38. Amendment of section 85D of Act of 1988
Part 6 Amendment of Occupiers' Liability Act (ss. 39-42)
39. Definition (Part 6)
40. Amendment of section 3 of Act of 1995
41. Amendment of section 4 of Act of 1995
42. Insertion of section 5A into Act of 1995
Part 7 Amendment of Immigration Act 1999 (ss. 43-45)
43. Definition (Part 7)
44. Amendment of section 3 of Act of 1999
45. Amendment of section 6 of Act of 1999
Part 8 Amendment of Immigration Act 2004 (ss. 46-48)
46. Definition (Part 8)
47. Amendment of section 4 of Act of 2004
48. Amendment of section 18 of Act of 2004
Part 9 Amendment of Civil Liability and Courts Act 2004 (ss. 49-56)
49. Definition (Part 9)
50. Amendment of section 17 of Act of 2004
51. Pre-action offers to settle clinical negligence claims
52. Amendment of section 33 of Act of 2004
53. Realisation of investment of dormant account of funds of suitors of Circuit Court and dormant funds of suitors of District Court
54. Amendment of section 35 of Act of 2004
55. Amendment of section 38 of Act of 2004
56. Amendment of section 40 of Act of 2004
Part 10 Amendment of Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (ss. 57-67)
57. Definition (Part 10)
58. Amendment of section 1 of Act of 2015
59. Amendment of section 95 of Act of 2015
60. Insertion of sections 95A to 95D in Act of 2015
61. Amendment of section 96 of Act of 2015
62. Amendment of section 97 of Act of 2015
63. Amendment of section 98 of Act of 2015
64. Amendment of section 134 of Act of 2015
65. Amendment of section 135 of Act of 2015
66. Address for correspondence
67. Repeal of section 220(3) of Act of 2015
Part 11 Amendment of International Protection Act 2015 (ss. 68-72)
68. Definition (Part 11)
69. Amendment of section 5 of Act of 2015
70. Amendment of section 48 of Act of 2015
71. Amendment of section 52 of Act of 2015
72. Amendment of section 62 of Act of 2015
Part 12 Amendment of Data Protection Act 2018 (ss. 73-80)
73. Definition (Part 12)
74. Prohibition on disclosure of confidential information by persons engaging with Commission in connection with relevant function
75. Amendment of section 109 of Act of 2018
76. Amendment of section 113 of Act of 2018
77. Amendment of section 117 of Act of 2018
78. Amendment of section 117A of Act of 2018
79. Amendment of section 122 of Act of 2018
80. Amendment of section 150 of Act of 2018
Part 13 Amendment of Judicial Council Act 2019 (ss. 81-84)
81. Definition (Part 13)
82. Amendment of section 50 of Act of 2019
83. Complaints Review Committee: temporary replacement of member
84. Amendment of section 59 of Act of 2019
Part 14 Amendment of Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 (ss. 85-92)
85. Definition (Part 14)
86. Amendment of section 10 of Act of 2020
87. Amendment of section 14 of Act of 2020
88. Amendment of section 22 of Act of 2020
89. Amendment of section 23 of Act of 2020
90. Amendment of section 30 of Act of 2020
91. Amendment of section 31 of Act of 2020
92. Amendment of section 32 of Act of 2020
Part 15 Courts and Court Officers (Centralised Court Offices and Electronic Registers) (ss. 93-101)
93. Interpretation (Part 15)
94. Centralised court offices
95. Consultations
96. Centralised court office - deemed powers and functions
97. Staff of centralised court office
98. Functions of staff
99. Continuity of administration of justice not to be affected
100. Immunity from suit
101. Electronic Registers
Part 16 Miscellaneous (Acts Relating to Courts) (ss. 102-118)
102. Definitions (Part 16)
103. Amendment of section 3 of Act of 1926
104. Amendment of section 27 of Act of 1926
105. Amendment of section 35 of Act of 1926
106. Amendment of section 37 of Act of 1936
107. Amendment of section 65 of Act of 1936
108. Unpaid fees
109. Amendment of section 39 of Offences against the State Act 1939
110. Offence of obstruction or interference with sheriff
111. Amendment of section 7A of Act of 1961
112. Amendment of section 22 of Act of 1961
113. Amendment of section 36 of Act of 1961
114. Amendment of section 57 of Act of 1961
115. Court may award costs without oral hearing
116. Amendment of Eighth Schedule to Act of 1961
117. Amendment of section 7(6) of Courts Act 1964
118. Amendment of Courts Service Act 1998
Part 17 Miscellaneous (ss. 119-125)
119. Amendment of section 28 of Gaming and Lotteries Act 1956
120. Amendment of section 11B of Guardianship of Infants Act 1964
121. Amendment of section 36 of Succession Act 1965
122. Amendment of section 11 of Civil Legal Aid Act 1995
123. Amendment of section 32 of Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006
124. Maintenance and champerty not to apply to dispute resolution proceedings
125. Amendment of Schedule 1 to Garda Síochána (Functions and Operational Areas) Act 2022
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Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 (No. 18)
Part 6 Amendment of Occupiers' Liability Act (ss. 39-42)
39. Definition (Part 6)
Version status:
In force
| Document consolidation status:
No known changes
Version date: 31 July 2023 - onwards
Version 2 of 2
39. Definition (Part 6)
In this
, "
Act of 1995
means the
Occupiers' Liability Act 1995
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