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Published date: 8 December 2023

Consultation paper on Joint Guidelines on the estimation of aggregated annual costs and losses caused by major ICT-related incidents (JC 2023 68)

4 March 2024
Comparison of Draft Technical Standards: Consultation Paper vs Final Report

The ESAs second set of technical standards under the DORA aimed at enhancing the digital operational resilience of the EU financial sector by strengthening financial entities’ ICT and third-party risk management and incident reporting frameworks.

RTS on the content, format, templates and timelines for reporting major ICT-related incidents and significant cyber threats Consultation Final Report Comparison
ITS on the content, format, templates and timelines for reporting major ICT-related incidents and significant cyber threats Consultation Final Report Comparison
RTS on the harmonization of conditions enabling the conduct of the oversight activities Consultation Final Report Comparison
RTS specifying the criteria for determining the composition of the joint examination team (JET) Consultation Final Report Comparison
RTS on threat-led penetration testing (TLPT) Consultation Final Report Comparison
Guidelines on the estimation of aggregated costs/losses caused by major ICT-related incidents Consultation Final Report Comparison
Guidelines on oversight cooperation Consultation Final Report Comparison
Comparing proposed amendment...
1. Executive Summary
Next steps
2. Background and rationale
Estimation of gross and net costs and losses in its interplay with other mandates under DORA
Determining the timeframe and data source for the estimation of annual costs and losses
3. Joint Guidelines on the estimation of aggregated annual costs and losses caused by major ICT-related incidents
Status of these Joint Guidelines
Reporting Requirements
Title I - Subject matter, scope, addressees, and definitions
Subject matter and Scope of application
Title II - Implementation
Date of application
Title III - Provisions on the estimation of aggregated annual costs and losses of major ICT-related incidents
Annex: Reporting template for gross and net costs and losses in an accounting year
4. Accompanying documents
4.1 Cost-Benefit Analysis / Impact Assessment
4.2 Overview of questions for consultation