1: Overview (paras. 1.1-1.27)
1.1 This Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) policy statement (PS) provides feedback to responses to consultation papers (CP) 4/23 The Strong and Simple Framework: Liquidity and Disclosure requirements for Simpler-regime Firms and CP14/23 - Pillar 3 remuneration disclosure. In regard to the Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDTs) criteria, it also provides feedback to responses to CP16/22 - Implementation of the Basel 3.1 Standards and further feedback to responses to CP5/22 -The Strong and Simple Framework: a definition of a Simpler-regime Firm. It also contains the PRA's final policy, as follows:
- amendments to the Liquidity Part of the PRA Rulebook (Appendix 1);
- amendments to the Reporting Part of the PRA Rulebook (Appendix 1);
- amendments to the Disclosure Part of the PRA Rulebook (Appendix 1);
- updated supervisory statement (SS) 24/15 - The PRA's approach to supervising liquidity and funding risk (Appendix 2);
- updated statement of policy (SoP) - Liquidity and funding permissions (Appendix 3)