Pillar 3 Disclosures (paras. 2.134-2.146)
2.134 In CP4/23 the PRA proposed new Pillar 3 disclosure requirements for SDDTs. For SDDTs that have listed financial instruments, the CP proposed to introduce a Pillar 3 requirement to disclose the UK OV1 and UK KM1 templates. For SDDTs without listed instruments, the CP proposed to exclude them from the requirement to disclosure a Pillar 3 report. The CP also proposed to remove the current Pillar 3 rules applicable to SNCIs, following a transitional period, so that SNCIs which were not SDDTs would become subject to the Pillar 3 rules application to 'other' institutions [CP4/23 proposed a transitional period of 3 years based on an implementation date in H2 2024. The transitional period has been extended to 3.5 years to reflect the earlier implementation of the changes to the disclosure regime.].