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Version status: Inserted | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 8 April 2024 - onwards
Version 2 of 2

Article 5d Screening of PSUs by PSPs that offer instant credit transfers to verify whether a PSU is a person or entity subject to targeted financial restrictive measures

1.PSPs offering instant credit transfers shall verify whether any of their PSUs are persons or entities subject to targeted financial restrictive measures.

PSPs shall carry out such verifications immediately after the entry into force of any new targeted financial restrictive measures, and immediately after the entry into force of any amendments to such targeted financial restrictive measures, and at least once every calendar day.

2. During the execution of an instant credit transfer, the payer's PSP and the payee's PSP involved in the execution of that instant credit transfer shall not verify whether the payer or the payee whose payment accounts are used for the execution of that instant credit transfer are persons or entities subject to targeted financial restrictive measures in addition to carrying out verifications under paragraph 1 of this Article.