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Version status: Applicable | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 January 2024 - onwards
  Version 3 of 3    

7.5 Reporting errors in prior periods (paras. 96-101)

96. The undertaking shall correct material prior period errors by restating the comparative amounts for the prior period(s) disclosed, unless it is impracticable to do so. This requirement does not extend to reporting periods before the first year of application of ESRS by the undertaking.

97. Prior period errors are omissions from, and misstatements in, the undertaking’s sustainability statement for one or more prior periods. Such errors arise from a failure to use, or misuse of, reliable information that:

(a) was available when the management report that includes the sustainability statement for those periods was authorised for issuance; and

(b) could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and considered in the preparation of sustainability disclosures included in these reports.

98. Such errors include: the effects of mathematical mistakes, mistakes in applying the definitions for metrics or targets, oversights or misinterpretations of facts, and fraud.

99. Potential errors i

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