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Version status: Applicable | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 January 2024 - onwards
  Version 3 of 3    

9.2 Connected information and connectivity with financial statements (paras. 123-129)

123. The undertaking shall describe the relationships between different pieces of information. Doing so could require connecting narrative information on governance, strategy and risk management to related metrics and targets. For example, in providing connected information, the undertaking may need to explain the effect or likely effect of its strategy on its financial statements or financial plans, or explain how its strategy relates to metrics and targets used to measure progress against performance. Furthermore, the undertaking may need to explain how its use of natural resources and changes within its supply chain could amplify, change or reduce its material impacts, risks and opportunities. It may need to link this information to information about current or anticipated financial effects on its production costs, to its strategic response to mitigate such impacts or risks, and to its related investment in new assets. The undertaking may also need to link narrative information to t

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