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Version status: Applicable | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 January 2024 - onwards
  Version 3 of 3    

Objective (paras. 1-5)

1. The objective of this Standard is to specify Disclosure Requirements which will enable users of the sustainability statement to understand:

(a) how the undertaking affects resource use, including resource efficiency, avoiding the depletion of resources and the sustainable sourcing and use of renewable resources (referred to in this Standard as "resource use and circular economy") in terms of material positive and negative actual or potential impacts;

(b) any actions taken, and the result of such actions, to prevent or mitigate actual or potential negative impacts arising from resource use, including its measures to help decoupling its economic growth from the use of materials, and to address risks and opportunities;

(c) the plans and capacity of the undertaking to adapt its strategy and business model in line with circular economy principles including but not limited to minimising waste, maintaining the value of products, materials and other resources at their highest value and enha

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