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Version date: 1 January 2024 - onwards
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Interactions with other ESRS (paras. 6-9)

6. Resource use is a major driver of other environmental impacts such as climate change, pollution, water and marine resources and biodiversity. A circular economy is a system that tends towards sustainable use of resources in extraction, processing, production, consumption and management of waste. Such system brings multiple environmental benefits, in particular, the reduction of material and energy consumption and emissions into the air (greenhouse gas emissions or other pollution), the limitation of water withdrawals and discharges and the regeneration of nature limiting the impact on biodiversity.

7. To provide a comprehensive overview of which other environmental matters could be material to resource use and circular economy, relevant disclosure requirements are covered in other environmental ESRS as follows:

(a) ESRS E1 Climate change, which addresses, in particular, GHG emissions and energy resources (energy consumption);

(b) ESRS E2 Pollution, which addresses, in particular, em

Comparing proposed amendment...