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Version status: Amended | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 19 April 2024 - onwards
  Version 4 of 4    

Objective (paras. 1-2)

1. This ESRS sets out the disclosure requirements that apply to all undertakings regardless of their sector of activity (i.e., sector agnostic) and apply across sustainability topics (i.e., cross-cutting). This ESRS covers the reporting areas defined in ESRS 1 General requirements section 1.2 Reporting areas and minimum content disclosure requirements on policies, actions, targets and metrics.

2. In the preparation of disclosures under this Standard, the undertaking shall apply the Disclosure Requirements (including their datapoints) set in topical ESRS, as listed in Appendix C of this Standard Disclosure/Application Requirements in topical ESRS that are applicable jointly with ESRS 2 General Disclosures. The undertaking shall apply the requirements listed in Appendix C:

(a) in all instances for the requirements in topical standards related to Disclosure Requirement IRO-1 Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities; and

(b) for all othe

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