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3. Strategy (paras. 37-49)

37. This chapter sets disclosure requirements that enable an understanding of:

(a) the elements of the undertaking's strategy that relate to or affect sustainability matters, its business model and its value chain;

(b) how the interests and views of the undertaking's stakeholders are taken into account by the undertaking's strategy and business model; and

(c) the outcome of the undertaking's assessment of material impacts, risks and opportunities, including how they inform its strategy and business model.

Comparing proposed amendment...
Disclosure Requirement SBM-1 - Strategy, business model and value chain (paras. 38-42)
Disclosure Requirement SBM-2 - Interests and views of stakeholders (paras. 43-45)
Disclosure Requirement SBM-3 - Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model (paras. 46-49)