Presentation versus disclosure requirements (paras. BC47-BC49)
BC47 In some IFRS Accounting Standards, presentation and disclosure requirements are combined. Furthermore, in some instances, the term 'disclosure' includes items presented in the primary financial statements or is used where an IFRS Accounting Standard provides a choice between presenting information in the primary financial statements or disclosing it in the notes. In developing IFRS 19, the IASB focused on disclosure requirements that are appropriate for eligible subsidiaries. This approach included taking presentation requirements to mean requirements for information to be included in the primary financial statements, and disclosure requirements to mean those related to information included in the notes. The IASB also decided to treat as disclosure requirements those requirements that offer preparers a choice about whether information is presented in the primary financial statements or disclosed in the notes.
BC48 The IASB concluded that any requirements in IFRS Accounting Standards to provide comparative information in an entity's primary financial statements (such as the requirements in paragraph 21 of IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards) would be treated as being part of presentation requirements instead of disclosure requirements. In contrast, a requirement to provide comparative information when disclosing information in the notes would be a disclosure requirement and thus would be considered within the scope of IFRS 19.