Transition to new or amended IFRS Accounting Standards (paras. BC87-BC89)
BC87 A new or amended IFRS Accounting Standard typically includes transition requirements that apply on initial application of that new or amended Standard. Occasionally, such transition requirements include disclosure requirements about an entity's transition to the new or amended Standard, which supplement the other disclosure requirements in that IFRS Accounting Standard. The disclosure requirements in these transition paragraphs also supplement, and sometimes replace, the disclosure requirements in IAS 8.
BC88 The IASB decided that disclosure requirements about the transition to new or amended IFRS Accounting Standards set out in those Standards also apply to entities that apply IFRS 19. Such requirements are specific to the related transition and are relevant only on initial application of that new or amended IFRS Accounting Standard.
BC89 IFRS 19 includes disclosure requirements from IAS 8 relating to changes in accounting policies. Paragraph 178 of IFRS 19 is equivalent to paragraph 28 of IAS 8 and applies when an entity changes its accounting policy as a result of the initial application of a new or amended IFRS Accounting Standard. As such, IFRS 19 includes consequential amendments about transition requirements in IFRS 17 and IFRS 18 and their interaction with the IAS 8 requirement to present comparative information (see Appendix C of IFRS 19).