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Version status: Entered into force | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Published date: 19 June 2024

Directive (EU) 2024/1640 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2024 on the mechanisms to be put in place by Member States for the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, amending Directive(EU) 2019/1937, and amending and repealing Directive (EU) 2015/849 (Text with EEA relevance) (AMLD6)

Comparing proposed amendment...
Chapter I General Provisions (arts. 1-9)
Section 1 Subject matter, scope and definitions (arts. 1-2)
Entered into force
Article 1 Subject matter
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Article 2 Definitions
Section 2 National measures in sectors exposed to money laundering and terrorist financing (arts. 3-6)
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Article 3 Identification of exposed sectors at national level
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Article 4 Requirements relating to certain service providers
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Article 5 Requirements relating to the granting of residence rights in exchange for investment
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Article 6 Checks on the senior management and beneficial owners of certain obliged entities
Section 3 Risk assessments (arts. 7-9)
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Article 7 Risk assessment at Union level
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Article 8 National risk assessment
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Article 9 Statistics
Chapter II Registers (arts. 10-18)
Section 1 Central beneficial ownership registers (arts. 10-15)
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Article 10 Central beneficial ownership registers
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Article 11 General rules regarding access to beneficial ownership registers by competent authorities, self-regulatory bodies and obliged entities
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Article 12 Specific access rules to beneficial ownership registers for persons with legitimate interest
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Article 13 Procedure for the verification and mutual recognition of a legitimate interest to access beneficial ownership information
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Article 14 Templates and procedures
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Article 15 Exceptions to the access rules to beneficial ownership registers
Section 2 Bank account information (arts. 16-17)
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Article 16 Bank account registers and electronic data retrieval systems
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Article 17 Implementing acts for the interconnection of registers
Section 3 Single access point to real estate information (art. 18)
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Article 18 Single access point to real estate information
Chapter III FIUs (arts. 19-36)
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Article 19 Establishment of the FIU
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Article 20 Fundamental Rights Officer
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Article 21 Access to information
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Article 22 Responses to requests for information
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Article 23 Provision of information to supervisors
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Article 24 Suspension or withholding of consent
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Article 25 Instructions to monitor transactions or activities
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Article 26 Alerts to obliged entities
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Article 27 FIU annual report
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Article 28 Feedback by FIU
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Article 29 Cooperation between FIUs
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Article 30 Protected channels of communication
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Article 31 Exchange of information between FIUs
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Article 32 Joint analyses
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Article 33 Use by FIUs of information exchanged between them
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Article 34 Consent to further dissemination of information exchanged between FIUs
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Article 35 Effect of criminal law provisions
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Article 36 Confidentiality of reporting
Chapter IV Anti-Money Laudering Supervision (arts. 37-60)
Section 1 General provisions (arts. 37-48)
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Article 37 Powers and resources of national supervisors
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Article 38 Supervision of forms of infrastructure of certain intermediaries operating under the freedom to provide services
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Article 39 Provision of information to obliged entities
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Article 40 Risk-based supervision
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Article 41 Central contact points
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Article 42 Disclosure to FIUs
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Article 43 Provision of information to FIUs
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Article 44 General principles regarding supervisory cooperation
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Article 45 Provision of information on cross-border activities
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Article 46 Provisions related to cooperation in the context of group supervision
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Article 47 Supervisory cooperation regarding obliged entities carrying out cross-border activities
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Article 48 Exchange of information in relation to implementation of group-wide policies in third countries
Section 2 Cooperation within AML/CFT supervisory colleges and with counterparts in third countries (arts. 49-51) (arts. 49-51)
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Article 49 ML/CFT supervisory colleges in the financial sector
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Article 50 AML/CFT supervisory colleges in the non-financial sector
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Article 51 Cooperation with supervisors in third countries
Section 3 Specific provisions relating to self-regulatory bodies (art. 52)
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Article 52 Oversight of self-regulatory bodies
Section 4 Pecuniary sanctions and administrative measures (arts. 53-59)
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Article 53 General provisions
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Article 54 Supervisory measures towards establishments of obliged entities and certain activities carried out under the freedom to provide services
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Article 55 Pecuniary sanctions
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Article 56 Administrative measures
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Article 57 Periodic penalty payments
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Article 58 Publication of pecuniary sanctions, administrative measures and periodic penalty payments
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Article 59 Exchange of information on pecuniary sanctions and administrative measures
Section 5 Reporting of breaches (art. 60)
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Article 60 Reporting of breaches and protection of reporting persons
Chapter V Cooperation (arts. 61-69)
Section 1 AML/CFT cooperation (arts. 61-63)
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Article 61 General provisions
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Article 62 Communication of the list of the competent authorities
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Article 63 Cooperation with AMLA
Section 2 Cooperation with other authorities and exchange of confidential information (arts. 64-68)
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Article 64 Cooperation in relation to credit institutions or financial institutions
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Article 65 Cooperation in relation to auditors
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Article 66 Cooperation with authorities in charge of implementing targeted financial sanctions
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Article 67 Professional secrecy requirements
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Article 68 Exchange of information among supervisors and with other authorities
Section 3 Guidelines on cooperation (art. 69)
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Article 69 AML/CFT cooperation guidelines
Chapter VI Data protection (art. 70)
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Article 70 Processing of certain categories of personal data
Chapter VII Final provisions (arts. 71-80)
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Article 71 Exercise of the delegation
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Article 72 Committee procedure
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Article 73 Transitional management of
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Article 74 Amendments to Directive (EU) 2015/849
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Article 75 Amendment to Directive (EU) 2019/1937
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Article 76 Review
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Article 77 Repeal
Entered into force
Article 78 Transposition
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Article 79 Entry into force
Entered into force
Article 80 Addressees
Entered into force
Annex - Correlation table
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