(1) Where the Regulator proposes to issue, pursuant to its powers under the Act of 1926 licences for a particular class or description of apparatus for wireless telegraphy for the provision of an electronic communications network or service and considers that the number of such licences ought to be limited, it shall, without prejudice to sections 13 and 37 of the Act of 2002 -
(a) give due weight to the need to maximise benefits for users and to facilitate the development of competition, and
(b) give all interested parties, including users and consumers, the opportunity to express their views on any proposed limitation in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Framework Regulations.
(2) The Regulator shall cause to be published, in such form as the Regulator may determine, any decision to limit the granting of a licence referred to in paragraph (1 including the reasons therefor.
(3) Where the Regulator decides, having taken into account the matters referred to in paragraph (1) (a) a